Can being nearsighted cause other eye issues?
Lattice degeneration is an abnormal thinning of the peripheral retina, which makes the affected retina more vulnerable to retinal tears and retinal detachment. Though anyone can be affected, lattice degeneration is most often found in people who are nearsighted.
How do I know if I have lattice degeneration?
Lattice degeneration is asymptomatic unless it is complicated by the development of a retinal tear or retinal detachment. If this happens, symptoms may include a sudden onset of flashes and floaters, blurred vision, or a shadow in the peripheral vision like a curtain being pulled across the field of vision.
How can lattice degeneration be treated?
Patients with lattice degeneration should be monitored with regular examinations to watch for any complications. In certain situations, preventative treatment is recommended to decrease the risk of retinal tears and retinal detachment in the future. Lattice degeneration can usually be treated safely with laser treatment in the office.