What is a retinal detachment?
The retina is the tissue-paper-thin lining along the inside of the back of the eye which turns light from the outside world into vision. A retinal detachment is when this lining pulls away from the back of the eye. Symptoms include a sudden onset of flashes and floaters, blurred vision, or a shadow in the peripheral vision like a curtain being pulled across the field of vision. It is important to get an exam by a retina specialist immediately if any of these symptoms occur because retinal detachments will lead to severe loss of vision if untreated.
Can retinal detachment be fixed?
There are several ways to fix retinal detachments. The choice of repair method depends on many factors, including the patient’s age, history of previous surgery or trauma, and the complexity of the detachment.
Pneumatic retinopexy is one of the ways to repair a retinal detachment. This procedure, done in the office under local anesthesia, is when a gas bubble is injected into the back of the eye to flatten the retina. Then, a laser or freezing treatment is applied to seal off the retinal tear or tears that caused the detachment. The gas bubble supports the retina during the healing process and “dissolves” on its own after approximately one month.
Vitrectomy is another procedure that can repair a retinal detachment. Done as an outpatient procedure under local or general anesthesia, this procedure has the retina specialist reposition the retina into place, fill the eye with a gas or silicone oil bubble, and apply laser treatment to seal off the retinal tear or tears that caused the detachment. Like the pneumatic retinopexy described above, the bubble supports the retina during the healing process. If gas is used, the bubble “dissolves” on its own after approximately one month. If silicone oil is used, the bubble is usually left in the eye for 3-6 months, and a separate procedure in the operating room is needed for removal.
Finally, a scleral buckle can also be used to repair a retinal detachment. This procedure, which is also done in the operating room under local or general anesthesia, involves a thin silicone band wrapped around the eye followed by a freezing treatment to seal off the retinal tears. The silicone band can be thought of like a belt around the eyeball that is “cinched up” to support or close the retinal tears that led to the retinal detachment. Because the silicone band is placed under the conjunctiva or “skin of the eye,” it is not visible after surgery. A scleral buckle is frequently combined with a vitrectomy procedure for more complex retinal detachments.